

Welcome to my blog!  A little bit about hubby and I live on the Oregon Coast and have one son who is grown and off doing his own thing.  Hubby works in the timber industry, and I work for a Corporation that specializes in job training. 

ScrapbookingI've enjoyed crafty projects all my life but got hooked on stamping in the fall of 2009.  I absolutely love to learn new techniques and share what I've learned with others.

I started teaching paper crafting at Memories of Time in 2011.  I have a HUGE fear of public speaking, so I'm shocked I've been able to do this without passing out!  LOL!  

I'm obsessed with this hobby that my hubby and his friends *cough* affectionately call "crappin".  Oh boy, I can hear them now..."is she in there crappin' again?".  *sigh*  I hope you enjoy yourself as you peruse my blog.  I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who stop by to visit or leave comments.  If you want to email me, my address can be found in the "Contact Me" tab at the top.

Thanks for stopping by!



May God grant me the creativity to use the things I already have,
the foresight to know what I'll never use
and the strength to purchase the difference.  ~D
